17 Mar 2009

NSA Harasses Law Abiding Americans Using Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) Reading List

How The NSA Harasses Thousands Of Law Abiding Americans Daily By The Usage Of Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM)
John St. Clair Akwei
NSA, Ft. Meade, MD, USA

You can read about the case and the accusations here. What I wanted to list here are the references at the end. The page also has an interesting excerpt from trufax.org.

The Body Electric

Electromagnetism and the Foundrrtion of Life, by Robert Becker, M.D.
p. 265/313/318. Monitoringeuroelectric information in the brain. E-M wave E.S.B.

Cross Currents, by Robert Becker, M.D.

p. 70, p. 78, p. 105/210/216/220/242/299/303 E-M ESB. Simulating auditory hallucinations. p. 274, "Remote computer tampering using the RF emissions from the logic board."

Currents of Death by Paul Brodeur

p. 27/93. Driving brain electrical activity with external E-M, Magnetophosphenes, Delgado.

The Zapping of America by Paul Brodeur

DoD E-M ESB Research, simulating auditory hallucinations.

Of Mice, Men and Molecules, by John H. Heller. 1963.

p. 110, Bioelectricity. probing the brain with E-M waves.

The 3-Pound Universe, by Judith Hooper

p. 29/132/137. CIA EEG research. EEG's for surveillance.

In the Palaces or Memory, by George Johnson

E-M emissions from the brain,the brain as an open electromagnetic circuit.

The Puzzle Palace, by James Bamford

Signals intelligence, most advanced computers in the early Sixties

The U.S. Intelligence Community - Glossary terms at National Security Archives:

Radiation intelligence - information from unintentionally emanated electromagnetic energy, excluding radioactive sources.

The Search for the "Manchurian Candidate," by John Marks

p. 327. Electrical or radio stimulation to the brain, CIA R&D in bioelectrics.

Secret Agenda, by Jim Hougan

National Security cult groups.

Crines of the Intelligence Commununity. by Morton Halperin

Surreptitious entries; intelligence agents running operations against government workers

War in the Age of Intelligent Machines

NSA computer supremacy, complete control of information

Alternate Computers, by Time-Life Books

Molecule Computers

The Mind, by Richard Restak, M.D.

p. 258, EEG Systems Inc., decoding brain E-M emanations, tracking thoughts on a computer.

MedTech, by Lawrence Gallon

Triggering events in the brain" direct to auditory cortex signals.

Cyborg, by D.S. Halacy, Jr. (1965)

Brain-to-computer link research contracts given out by the U.S. Govemment

Psychiatry and the C.I.A.: Victims of Mind Control by Harvey M. Weinstein. M.D.

Dr. Cameron, psychic driving. ultraconceptual communications.

Journey Into Madness: Ihe True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse, by Gordon Thomas

p. 127/276/116, 168-69. Intelligence R & D. Delgado. Psychic driving with radio telemetry.

Mind Manipulators, by Alan Scheflin and Edward M. Opton

MKULTRA brain research for information gathering

The Brain Changers, by Maya Pines.

p. 19. Listening to brain E-M emissions.

Magnetic Stimulation in Clinical Neuropsysiology by Sudhansu Chokroverty

Magneto-Phosphenes. Images direct to the visual cortex.

The Mind of Man by Nigel Calder

U.S. Intelligence brain research

Neuroelectric Society Conference - 1971

Audio direct to the brain with e-m waves, two waf remote EEG.

Brain Control by Elliot S. Valenstein

ESB control of individuals

Towards Century 21 by C.S. Wallia

p. 21. Brain Stimulation for direct to brain communication.

Mind Wars by Ron McRae, associate of Jack Anderson

p 62/106/136. Research into brain-to-brain electronic communications, remote neural e-m detection.

Mind Tools by Rudy Rucker

Brain tapping, communication with varying biomagnetic fields. p. 82

U.S. News and World Report 1/2/84

p. 88. e-m wave brain stimulation. Intelligence community high tech.

Ear Magazine article on extremely low frequency radio emissions in the natural environment, radio emissions from the human body.
City Paper article on FCC and NSA "complete radio spectrum" listening posts. 1/17/92.
Frontiers in Science - 1958 - by Edward Hutchings, Jr.

p. 48

Beyond Biofeedback - 1977 - by Elmer and Alyce Green

p. 118

The Body Quantum by Fred Alan Wolf
Cloning - A Biologist Reports by Robert Gilmore McKinnell

Ethical review of cloning humans.

Hoover's FBI by former agent William Turner

p. 280. Routines of electronic surveillance work.

July 20, 2019 by Arthur C. Clarke

Lida, Neurophonics, Brain/Computer Link

MegaBrain by Michael Hutchison

p. 107/108/117/120/123. Brain stimulation with e-m waves. CIA research and information control.

The Cult of Information by Theodore Rosnak - 1986

NSA Directive #145. Personal Files in Computers. Computer automated telephone tapping

The Body Shop

1968 implantation of an electrode array on the visual cortex for video direct to the brain and other 1960s research into electronically triggering phosphenes in the brain, thus bypassing the eyes.

Evoked Potentials by David Regan

Decoding neuroelectric information in the brain
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